Born in 1990 as the 5,345,171,660th person on earth. Raised in the top north of The Netherlands and still living there as we speak on a badass houseboat.

I love to create beautiful and inspiring things. As a freelancer I deliver branding, webdesign, concepts, UI/UX design and graphic design. In these skills I strive towards perfection. I always want my next project to be the best I have done so far.

At the moment I am a student at the NHL University of Applied Sciences. If everything goes according to plan I will graduate in 2015. I had my internship in Amsterdam at one of the worlds leading digital agencies Digitas LBi, were I worked for clients as Audi, Interpolis, ANWB and SNS Bank.



In my hours outside the office I love to mess around with music as a DJ called StOM. You can call it a hobby, there is nothing serious about it! When I have a good idea for a mashup, bootleg or mixtape I release them to the public for free on my Soundcloud.

Besides the creative stuff I am a true sportsfanatic, both passive and active. For me sports are a great way to clear the mind and it keeps you in shape. I believe a man can only give his best when his mind and body are fit.

If you want to know more about me, we should grab a coffee!